Kolibri Partners with PADI AWARE to Protect Our Oceans: Part 1 - Dive Against Debris

At Kolibri, luxury isn't just about feeling good on the beach; it's about feeling good about the ocean itself. We believe true luxury extends beyond comfort and style – it encompasses responsibility for the environment that sustains us. That's why we're thrilled to announce our partnership with the PADI AWARE Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to protecting the underwater world.

The Marine Debris Program from PADI AWARE

Our oceans face a major threat: marine debris. Plastic pollution alone is estimated to reach a staggering 250 million tons by 2025, causing environmental damage costing a staggering US$13 billion annually. This plastic ends up in our oceans through various means, from land-based sources like littering and overflowing landfills to discarded fishing gear and cargo spills at sea.

The consequences of plastic pollution are far-reaching. Marine animals often mistake plastic for food, leading to entanglement, starvation, and even death. Plastic debris also breaks down into microplastics, which are tiny fragments of plastics that infiltrate the food chain and pose a potential threat to the health of all living things.

Divers are on the frontlines of this crisis. They witness firsthand the impact humans have on the marine environment. Pristine coral reefs choked by plastic bags, beautiful sea turtles entangled in fishing nets – these are the stark realities divers encounter underwater nearly every day. But divers are more than just witnesses; they're uniquely positioned to be heroes.

Dive Against Debris: Citizen Science for a Cleaner Ocean

PADI AWARE spearheads a program called Dive Against Debris, a global initiative that empowers scuba divers to become citizen scientists. Divers participate in this program by collecting and reporting marine litter during their dives. 

Here’s why this data is so crucial: 

  • Unveiling the Plastic Problem: Dive Against Debris has revealed a sobering truth – nearly 70% of all collected debris is plastic. This data sheds light on the true scale of the plastic pollution crisis and identifies the specific types of plastic most prevalent in our oceans. By pinpointing the sources, researchers and policymakers can work towards targeted solutions.
  • Informing Policy and Research: Dive Against Debris boasts 13 years of standardized data, collected by a network of trained divers across 182 countries. This extensive dataset provides a powerful tool for researchers studying the distribution, impact, and potential solutions for marine debris. Policymakers can leverage this data to develop and implement effective legislation to curb plastic pollution.
  • Power in Every Dive: PADI AWARE is working hard for Dive Against Debris to be recognized by the United Nations as a key solution to the problem. Every single survey dive contributes to this effort! By participating in Dive Against Debris, divers not only clean up their local dive sites but also contribute to a global movement pushing for change. 
  • Safe and Sustainable Clean-up: Dive Against Debris is the only underwater clean-up program specifically designed to avoid harming the delicate marine environment. Unlike bottom trawling or other harmful practices, Dive Against Debris divers are trained to meticulously remove debris with minimal disruption to the ecosystem.

The Kolibri Commitment: Conscious Fashion

At Kolibri, we recognize the critical importance of healthy oceans to a healthy planet. We understand that the materials used in our luxury swimwear have a direct impact on the environment. That's why we're committed to using sustainable and recycled materials whenever possible. We're also constantly exploring ways to reduce our environmental footprint throughout our manufacturing and supply chain.

Our partnership with PADI AWARE is a natural extension of our commitment to ocean conservation. By supporting Dive Against Debris, we're not just contributing financially; we're empowering a global community of divers to become active participants in protecting the underwater world we cherish.

How YOU Can Be Part of the Solution

As a Kolibri customer, you're already making a statement by choosing a brand that prioritizes sustainability. But there's more you can do to be part of the solution:

  • Become a Certified Diver: If you're not already a diver, consider getting certified with PADI. By becoming a certified diver, you gain the skills and knowledge to explore the underwater world responsibly and participate in Dive Against Debris initiatives.
  • Support Ocean Conservation Organizations: Donate to organizations like PADI AWARE or other groups working to protect our oceans. Your contribution can help fund critical research, education programs, and clean-up efforts.
  • Reduce Your Plastic Footprint: Be mindful of your plastic consumption in everyday life. Opt for reusable bags, water bottles, and coffee cups. Choose products with minimal plastic packaging, and properly dispose of any plastic waste you do use.
  • Spread Awareness: Talk to your friends and family about the issue of marine debris. Share information about Dive Against Debris and encourage others to get involved in ocean conservation efforts. 
  • Use and share these hashtags as you discuss this with your network: #TeamOcean #AWAREImpact #DiveAgainstDebris #everydiveasurveydive #OceanOptimism #PADIAWARE #awareweek #adopttheblue #savetheocean #LocalActionGlobalImpact #protectwhatyoulove

Together, we can make a difference! By joining forces with organizations like PADI AWARE and supporting responsible practices, we can ensure that future generations can experience the awe-inspiring beauty and diversity of our underwater world.

In Part 2 of this blog series, we'll dive into the exciting ways Kolibri is collaborating with PADI AWARE to raise awareness about vulnerable species and we’ll empower our customers to become champions for ocean conservation. Stay tuned!




Our ocean-conscious products contain over 99% recycled and bio-based materials, making Kolibri one of the most environmentally-sensitive swimwear brands on the planet.

As part of our commitment, we donate a portion of every purchase toward the PADI AWARE Foundation, a a publicly funded non-profit whose mission is to achieve balance between humanity and the ocean. This season alone, with your support, Kolibri is on track to donate over $20,000 USD to this important cause.
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